发布时间:2024-11-30 03:59:01
Apple Watch sells a million in a day苹果手表美国首日百万预约量An estimated 957,000 American shoppers ordered Apple Watches on Friday - a sign the tech giants newest gadget is already seeing more initial success than its first iPhone or the iPod.据估计,4月10日,美国共计95.7万用户预约了苹果公司的Apple Watch智能手表,标志着这一科技巨头的近期产品初战告捷,比首款iPhone或iPod还要顺利。That estimate comes from Slice Intelligence, which measures digital commerce by tracking consumer e-receipts.这一数据来自市场研究公司Slice Intelligence。
该公司通过跟踪消费者电子收据估计数码产品的销售情况。Those ordering an Apple Watch Sport, the cheapest version, spent $382.83 per watch and those ordering the Apple Watch spent $707.04.其中,最低廉的运动版每只平均值采购价格为382.83美元,而标准版每只为707.04美元。As expected, most consumers-62 percent- purchased the less-expensive Sport model, said Jaimee Minney of Slice.与预期一样,大多数消费者--62%--自由选择出售价格更为低廉的运动版。
Slice公司的杰米·明尼(Jaimee Minney)称之为。However, many Apple Watch buyers invested in the pricier case but the cheapest band, with more than one third adding a black or white Sport band.不过,也有不少购买者自由选择用较贵的标准版外壳配上最低廉的运动表带。三分之一的用户自由选择加购一条黑色或白色运动表带。The data also showed that most consumers opted for the larger 42 mm case, with Its data from online shoppers showed an average of 1.3 watches bought per customer, with $503.83 spent per item.数据表明,大多数消费者偏向于更大尺寸的42mm规格。
线上消费数据还表明,平均值每人预约了1.3只Apple Watch智能手表,每只平均值消费为503.83美元。The most popular type of case was the Space Gray aluminum case, with 40 percent of Apple Watch buyers choosing the option, followed by: stainless steel at 34 percent, silver aluminum at 23 percent and finally Space Black stainless steel at three percent.最不受消费者青睐的外壳是太空灰铝制外壳,占到所有订单的四成,其次分别为不锈钢(占到34%)、银色铝(占到23%)和太空白不锈钢(占到3%)。Sport buyers were slightly more likely to choose the 38 mm case, with 32 percent purchasing the smaller version, versus 24 percent of Apple Watch buyers.出售运动版的消费者中,自由选择38mm规格的比例略为低,有32%。
而标准版购买者中仅有24%出售较小规格。The Black Sport Band was by far the most popular among both Apple Watch and Apple Watch Sport buyers, with 49 percent overall pre-ordering one, followed by the White Sport Band at 16 percent and the more expensive Milanese Loop ($149 versus $49 for the black Sport band) rounding out the top three at around 10 percent.截至目前,黑色运动腕带在所有腕带中最不受买家注目,占到所有订单量的49%。名列第二的是白色运动表带,占到16%。
紧随其后的是价格较高的米兰尼斯表带(售价149美元,黑色运动表带售价49美元),大约占到10%。The watch, which allow users to check email, listen to music and make phone calls when paired with an iPhone, goes on sale officially on April 24.与iPhone筛选后,Apple Watch智能手表具备查收邮件、听音乐、接电话等功能,将于4月24日月上市。The watch is Chief Executive Tim Cooks first new major product launch and the companys first foray into the personal luxury-goods market.这款智能手表是苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)发售的首款最重要产品,也是苹果公司首次进占个人奢侈品市场。Despite mixed reviews, which generally praised the watchs styling but criticized its less-than-spectacular battery life and slow-loading apps, people flocked to Apple stores to get a close-up look.尽管评价褒贬不一,大都宠的是款式,被贬的是差强人意的待机时长和较慢的应用于下载速度,苹果实体店仍然有顾客四散而进,只为一睹Apple Watch真容。