商标大战苹果败诉 想独占iPhone商标遭遇滑铁卢|杏菜体育app登入
发布时间:2024-12-24 03:59:01
Apple Inc has lost exclusivity on the use of the iPhone trademark in China and has to share it with a Beijing-based leather products maker.近日,苹果公司在“iPhone”商标在华独家使用权一案中胜诉,被迫与北京一家皮革产品制造商共用该商标。The Beijing Municipal High Peoples Court has ruled in favor of Xintong Tiandi Technology (Beijing) Ltd, which sells a number of leather products such as smartphone cases and handbags under the name iPhone.北京市高级人民法院日前作出了不利于新通天地科技(北京)有限公司的判决。新的通天地销售品名为“iPhone”的智能手机套、手袋等多种皮革制品。
In 2002, Apple applied for the iPhone trademark for its electronic goods in China, but it wasnt actually granted until 2013.2002年,苹果公司在中国为其电子产品申请人了iPhone”商标,但是直到2013年才确实核准通过。Xintong Tiandi filed for its own iPhone trademark in China in 2007, the same year the first generation of Apples iPhone was launched in the United States.新的通天地公司于2007年在中国申请人“iPhone”商标,第一代苹果iPhone手机也是在同一年在美国发售。
In order to obtain the exclusivity on the use of the iPhone trademark in China, Apple first took the case to the Chinese trademark authority in 2012, but it failed as the agency claimed Apple couldnt prove the name iPhone was a well-known brand prior to Xintong Tiandis registration in 2007.为了在中国取得“iPhone”商标的用于专利,苹果公司在2012年第一次早已事件向中国商标局裁决,但是却最后胜诉。因为该机构声称,苹果无法证明“iPhone”在新的通天地公司于2007年注册前就早已是一个知名的商标了。A Beijing-based analyst said: The failure of the trademark fight would not have a great impact on Apples brand and image, but it might confuse consumers as they dont know whether these products are made by Apple or some producers copy Apples name, when they are buying leather products embossed with the iPhone brand.北京一名分析师称之为,苹果在这起商标大战中胜诉并会对其品牌、形象导致相当大影响。
不过这有可能让消费者产生误解,因为他们在出售印上“iPhone商标的皮革制品时,不告诉这些产品到底是苹果生产的还是剽窃其名号的制造商生产的。Zhu Dalin, an analyst at Beijing-based Internet consultancy Analysys International, agreed.总部坐落于北京的互联网咨询机构易观国际的分析师朱大林表示同意这一观点。
Zhu said the influence of Xintong Tiandi is very minor, which wouldnt pose a threat to Apple anyway, and Apple mainly focuses on electronic devices, such as smartphones and iPads.朱大林回应,新的通天地公司的影响力较小,会对苹果公司构成威胁,并且苹果公司的精力主要集中于在如智能手机和平板电脑之类的电子设备上。